
Cactus-Pincushion Cactus-Echinocactus grusonii- Painted Pink – Regular Small Pot


Name : Echinocactus grusonii Cactus

Common Name : Pincushion Cactus

Indoor/Outdoor : Indoor

Description: Pincushion cactus is a large group of small, free-flowering cacti that are easy to care for. The pincushion cactus is just one of the huge collection of cacti available in beautiful homes and apartments. The cactus are desert plants so they have very slow growth. The Echinocactus Grusonii Painted Cactus are painted by herbal colors so it dosen’t affect the growth of the cactus plant.


Name : Echinocactus grusonii Cactus

Common Name : Pincushion Cactus

Indoor/Outdoor : Indoor

Description: Pincushion cactus is a large group of small, free-flowering cacti that are easy to care for. The pincushion cactus is just one of the huge collection of cacti available in beautiful homes and apartments. The cactus are desert plants so they have very slow growth. The Echinocactus Grusonii Painted Cactus are painted by herbal colors so it dosen’t affect the growth of the cactus plant.

Watering Sunlight/Lighting Care Tips Highlights
Water once a week Don’t keep it in direct sunlight. 1. Provide Good amount of light.
2. Used for an ornamental purpose
3. Soil for a pincushion needs to be well drained.
5. Dont keep it in direct sunlight.
6. Don’t over water it as that can affect the growth of the plant
1. Best indoor plant & easy to care.
2. Can be used for decoration purpose.
3. Hard to die plant.
4. Low maintenance plant.


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